
Filmleriniz sektörde deneyimli ve alanında uzman en az 3 jüri üyesi tarafından izlenip değerlendirilecektir. Değerlendirmeler aşağıdaki başlıklarda olacaktır.

  • İçerik
  • Görsel Dil
  • Teknik (kamera kullanımı, ses, ışık)
Sibel Sümer
1969 yılında Ankara’da doğdu. 1990 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi, Basın-Yayın Yüksek Okulu, Radyo-Televizyon Bölümünden mezun oldu. Aynı yıl TRT Ankara Televizyonu Belgesel Programlar Müdürlüğünde yönetmen asistanı olarak göreve başladı. 1992 yılında açılan TRT sınavını kazanarak video kurgucu oldu. 1998 yılında TRT’de açılan bir başka sınavla prodüktörlük kadrosunu aldı. 1998-2018 yılları arasında, TRT kurumunda sırasıyla GAP Televizyonu, Eğitim Kültür Programları, Drama Programları, Müzik Eğlence Programları Müdürlüklerinde, yapımcı-yönetmen olarak, belgesel, müzik-eğlence ve kültür-sanat programları hazırladı. Halen serbest çalışarak metin yazarlığı ve yönetmenlik yapmaktadır.
Alev Çağlayan
Alev Çağlayan was born at Balıkesir/ Turkey in 1972. Graduated from METU/ Architectural department as an architect in 1995. She has been producing documentaries and cultural programmes for different channels of TRT both as a producer and director since 2001.
Zafer Sevener
Born in 1969 in Kırıkkale (Turkey), Zafer graduated from Ankara University. After graduation he started his professional carrier as a cameraman in 1992. In 1995 he became a member of the Turkish Assosiation of Journalists. He has been working as the director of photography and director in many tv shows, films and documentaries since 1992.
Zeynep Kılıç
Zeynep always loved movies. So much so that she attended more university classes with her friend who was studying broadcasting than her own economics classes. She spent many hours volunteering at film festivals and attending screenings, choosing to spend her limited allowance on books and movies. These days, at her day job as a cultural sociologist, she studies food and identity, and uses movies, political cartoons and artistic projects as pedagogical tools when she teaches. She has co-authored an article on the Spanish movie 18 Meals (Jorge Coira, 2010), which was yet another attempt to bring together her love of the moving image with her professional life. Zeynep is a Fulbright scholar, and director, writer, producer of the documentary Tables of Istanbul. After its premiere in April 2016, Tables of Istanbul has been screened at 27 film festivals in 15 countries. It has received nine awards and recognitions, and was broadcast by PBS. She perpetually dreams of making more movies but bingeing on murder mysteries and her day job get in the way
Rebeca Maseda Garcia
Rebeca Maseda García is Professor of Spanish in the Department of Languages at the University of Alaska Anchorage (USA) where she teaches language and culture classes focused on topics related to cinema, gender violence, and contemporary Latin American and Iberian cinemas. Previously, she taught at the School of English, Film, Theatre and Media at Victoria University of Wellington, at the School of English and Media Studies at Massey University (Palmerston North), and taught Film Art as a visiting professor at the Department of Fine Arts, Massey University (Wellington Campus). She has an extensive record of publications (as well as grants, conference presentations, guest lectures, etc.) on film, media and gender. Her last publications include two co-edited volumes with prestigious publishing companies: Gender and Violence in Spanish Culture. From Vulnerability to Accountability (Peter Lang, 2018) and Gender-Based Violence in Latin American and Iberian Cinemas (Routledge, 2020).