Our Festival

We see an upward trend on social media platforms for video content produced by smart phones. We believe that future of cinema will increasingly include films by such technologies. We also love that this technology democratizes participation in film festivals, making storytelling through films accessible to many of us regardless of geographical location, age, etc.

Our desire in creating this festival was to highlight small budget cell phone films that utilize creative and innovative ideas.

Being a part of a film festival is no longer a distant dream. If you have a good idea and a capable cell phone, come join us at CepteFest. Don’t forget, creativity does not need the latest technology or the best equipment.

Cepte is a Turkish word. Cell phone in Turkish is “cep telefonu.” Cepte is a fun word with multiple meanings: Literally, it means in the pocket. CepteFest may refer to a festival taking place on the cellphone platform. It also means ‘I got it, it’s guaranteed.” Lastly, it is used when playing Charades which is translated as Silent Cinema in Turkish. When the player touches their pocket, it indicates that the guessed word is in the pocket, we set it aside as we move on to the next guessed word)

Keep filming…

CepteFest Team